“MAG-IA” Project


Project co-financed under Tuscany POR FESR 2014-2020

Project description:

The research project “MAG-IA” aims to bring warehouse standards of the involved companies into line with those of Industry 4.0.

The key words on which to base the equipment R&D will be:

  • Scalability: the stacker crane will be replaced by a group of rail-mounted machines, so the warehouse can be activated or deactivated on different levels with significant energy saving.
  • Simplicity: some transport facilities will be “One Tool” (just one tool required to open and unmount different structural parts).
  • Volumetric Efficiency: new storage units will have larger capacity.
  • Smart: high-tech components will be used, able to provide useful informations for their own functioning.
  • Green: all the planning solutions will be oriented towards the energy saving through energy recovery and splitting of the installed power into more stand-alone subsystems.
  • Reduction of raw materials used to manufacture the shuttles.

Financial support received: 164.946,30 €

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