HiPEAC and Aitronik: how to robotize any vehicle

Are you curious about novelties in the European landscape of IOT? Are you familiar with terms like edge computing, cyber-physical systems, and autonomous systems?

If yes, then you should definitely take a look at HIPEACInfo67. You will find the latest news from HIPEAC (High Performance Embedded Architecture and Compilation), the premier focal point in Europe for computing systems experts. HiPEAC is a community of computer scientists, engineers, and researchers who are dedicated to advancing the field of high-performance embedded computing. From cutting-edge research to industry collaborations, HiPEAC is at the forefront of driving innovation in this exciting and rapidly-evolving field.

And “in our series on pioneering European tech companies”, the SME Snapshot of the month is dedicated to Aitronik!
Thank you Madeleine Gray for this opportunity, it is an honor to appear in Europe’s premier magazine for computing systems.
You can find the full magazine here.

Would you like to learn more about how to robotize any kind of vehicle?
Contact us and we’ll be happy to hear from you!

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