Privacy-by-Design, AI, and Drones

Privacy, Artificial Intelligence, Drones: what do they have in common? What should developers of AI systems take care of? This is what we have shared today at Aitronik.

Simona Ghionzoli, a brilliant lawyer with 20+ years of professional experience spent as a legal account for banking institutions, delighted us with a workshop on the most up-to-date legal aspects concerning Privacy, AI, and Robotics. Simona outlined the research activities she is currently doing as a PhD student in International Studies at the Università Orientale di Napoli, in collaboration with the research centers Re.CEPL (Research Centre of European Private Law) and the CNR IIT in Pisa.

While the European Union promotes the security of personal data, the advent of mobile robots poses serious new risks. Robots can be perceived as intrusive to people’s privacy, and public acceptance is crucial for the real adoption of robots in our lives. Robots are equipped with sensors and software that can easily recognize human faces, understand facial expressions, and track workers.

To address this situation and be compliant with Privacy-by-Design principles, Simona Ghionzoli advices every software company developing AI systems to natively incorporate concrete actions within the software itself.

But what’s a concrete action in this case? Facial anonymization, for example.

And then, who has to take care of the overall data collected by AI systems? What’s the chain of responsibility?

From GDPR to personal data captured by drones, the road of AI, robots, and data protection is rapidly converging.

Meanwhile, Aitronik and Simona Ghionzoli will continue a close collaboration to incorporate innovation in legal aspects directly into our autonomous operations software.

The reason?

To promote the adoption of safe, secure, and state-of-the-art autonomous systems that are people-friendly and fully compliant with international regulations.


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