Alessandro Procopio joins Aitronik as a Robotics Engineer

Well, he is no longer a newcomer in Aitronik, but we never exposed him to the public yet 😀 But now it’s time to open the curtain and give a warm welcome to Alessandro Procopio! 🥂🤝✨ Alessandro is a young and brilliant engineer who graduated Magna Cum Laude in Robotics and Automation Engineering at the University of […]
Nicola Esposito joins Aitronik as a Robotics Engineer

We are so happy to announce that Nicola Esposito has just joined our Team! Nicola is a young and brilliant engineer, who graduated with honors in Robotics and Automation Engineering at the University of Pisa in June 2020.Despite of having been a student so far, he already published 5 scientific papers in journals and conference proceedings. And […]
Carmelo Di Franco joins Aitronik as a Robotics Engineer

We are excited to announce that Carmelo Di Franco has joined our team! Carmelo was previously working as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Virginia on the “Assured Autonomy” DARPA Project, which aims at providing Assurance to autonomous vehicles that include Machine Learning components.He obtained the Ph.D. degree from Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, where […]