Aitronik industrial expertise at Sant’Anna Seasonal School 2021-2022

Have you ever heard about the Seasonal School of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa, the intensive courses dedicated to the most talented Master and PhD students in the world? Tomorrow, September 16, our RT&Embedded Systems Specialist Carmelo Di Franco will give a talk at the Next-Generation Cyber-Physical Systems course, that focuses on CPS that make use of Artificial […]
Carmelo Di Franco joins Aitronik as a Robotics Engineer

We are excited to announce that Carmelo Di Franco has joined our team! Carmelo was previously working as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Virginia on the “Assured Autonomy” DARPA Project, which aims at providing Assurance to autonomous vehicles that include Machine Learning components.He obtained the Ph.D. degree from Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, where […]