Aitronik receives the EU Association of Aerospace Eng. Students

At Aitronik, we believe that training and sharing represent two fundamental tools for the growth of people and teams. This is why we love hosting training workshops and sharing experiences. And it is in this spirit that on Monday, April 8, we received the visit from EUROAVIA Pisa. This nonprofit association is based at the […]
Lisa Pardini graduates with Full Honors at the University of Pisa!

We couldn’t be more happy to share that Lisa got the Laurea degree with honors! Lisa Pardini, former student in Strategy, Management, and Control at the University of Pisa, has successfully completed her academic journey with a thesis entitled “Industry 4.0: Effects on employment and the birth of new realities: the Aitronik case” under the supervision of […]
Aitronik and University of Pisa to cooperate on autonomous hybrid vehicles

We are excited to announce that on November 26 Aitronik and the Department of Energy, Systems, Territory and Construction Engineering (DESTEC) of the University of Pisa signed a framework agreement to develop and validate technologies for self-driving electric/hybrid vehicles and related testing activities. Through this agreement, Aitronik will strengthen its cooperation with brilliant researchers at […]
ICT Innovation on Vehicular Technology and Applications Conference

On Friday, June 7, a workshop entitled “ICT Innovation on Vehicular Technology and Applications” was held at the School of Engineering of the University of Pisa. Aitronik was invited to give a talk entitled “New Machine Learning Paradigms for Autonomous Driving Vehicles“. During the event, Giovanni Marco Cordella -a Machine Learning Researcher at Aitronik- provided […]